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Connect to DistantRace with one of the sports apps

You can easily access your DistantRace account using sports app access data. This feature simplifies the login process and allows seamless switching between accounts. Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in with a sports app:
    When you're on the login page, press "other apps".

  2. Choose a sports app:
    From the list, choose your sports app that is connected to your DistantRace account.

  3. Enter your sports app username and password:
    You will need to login with the sports app access data (e.g., Garmin, Polar, Fitbit, etc.).

  4. Access your DistantRace account:
    After you have entered your access data, you will reach your DistantRace account that is connected to the specific sports service.

This method allows easy access to your DistantRace account associated with a specific sports app. If you ever want to switch the connection to another DistantRace account, you can simply delete the existing connection and restore it using the desired DistantRace account.

By offering this login option, DistantRace provides users with a convenient way to manage and access linked accounts without hassle.