Recently Updated Pages
How to use Apple Health?
If you use "iWatch" for activity tracking or step counting or use "Apple Health" without a watch,...
Connect with Wahoo
If you use the Wahoo app or devices on a daily basis, you have the option to connect Wahoo with d...
Connect with Adidas Running (Runtastic)
If you use the Adidas Running (Runtatstic) app on a daily basis, then you have the opportunity to...
Connect with Health Mate (Withings)
If you use Withings devices daily, you have the opportunity to connect Withings with distantrace....
Connect with Decathlon Coach
If you use Decathlon Coach daily, you have the opportunity to connect Decathlon Coach to distantr...
Connect with Under Armour (MapMyRun / MapMyWalk / MapMyRide / MapMyHike)
If you use the MapMy... app daily, you have the opportunity to connect this app to
Connect with Fitbit
If you use Fitbit devices daily, then you have the opportunity to connect Fitbit to distantrace.c...
Connect with Suunto
If you use Suunto devices daily, you have the opportunity to connect Suunto to S...
Connect with Polar Flow
If you use Polar devices daily, then you have the opportunity to connect Polar Flow to distantrac...
Intro allows adding many sports apps to aggregate sports activities. Apps fall into 2 c...
How to record a sports activity using the Wahoo Fitness app
The Wahoo Fitness app provides the capability to record workouts even if you do not have Wahoo eq...
How to record a sports activity using the Adidas Running app
Recording workouts with the Adidas Running app is a user-friendly process, available for both And...
How to record a sports activity using the Health Mate (Withings) app
Recording workouts with the Health Mate app, developed by Withings, is a straightforward process ...
How to record a sports activity using the Decathlon Coach app
The Decathlon Coach app offers a user-friendly interface for recording workouts, whether you're u...
How to record a sports activity using the Map My Walk/Run/Ride app
The Map My Walk, Map My Run, and Map My Ride apps, which are part of the Under Armour family, off...
How to record a sports activity using the Fitbit app
Recording sports activities with the Fitbit app is a simple process, whether you're using the iOS...
How to record a sports activity using the Suunto app
Recording a workout with the Suunto app is a straightforward process, whether you're using the iO...
How to record a sports activity using the Polar Flow app
If you use the Polar Flow app in your training, then here we will show how to do it. Please note ...
FitBit TCX download
Log into your FitBit profile from a computer. In the Recent Exercise section, select the activit...
Suunto FIT download
Open your Suunto app on your phone. Select and open the activity you wish to add to your Distant...